The author of Hebrews describes Faith as "the
substance of things hoped for(being sure of what we hope for),the evidence of
things not seen(being certain of what we do not see):Hebrews 11:1.The fact that
it is described as a substances makes me believe that one's Faith should be
tangible.So tangible such that it becomes EVIDENCE of the invisible.Your Faith
should be more tangible than your situation.
Basically faith can get you what you don't
have.Hebrews 11:3 tells us that God formed this world with his command so that
what is seen was not made out of what is visible.From this I derived my title
"the currency of Faith."
definition CURRENCY is the state of being in use;the money current in a
country.Unlike the currencies that we use in this world such as the US
dollar,Sterling Pound and so on,this currency of Faith has no boundaries.As you
know well that there are places that do not accept the US dollar as a
tender.However with faith there are no works in every
country...and it is not bound by time.
For instance in the story of the centurion...the
word of God says his servant was healed that very moment regardless of the fact
that he was miles away.Your Faith will only go as far as you believe it
can.Matthew 8:5-13.
Just like
our monetary currencies,the more you have the more you can "buy." The
bible says if you have Faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this
mountain move and it will move.Have you ever seen how tiny a mustard seed
is?...and have you considered its proportion to a mountain?There are places
where monetary currency can not work.See,your money can get you on a boat
but,it can not calm the raging storm when it is about to wreck your boat.This
is where the currency of FAITH comes in.Your faith can work for you in what so
ever you dare to put it to use in...For Jabez it got him DOMINION,it Enlarged
his territory,for Abraham it got him an eternal blessing which we ourselves are
partakers of today,For blind Batthemeus it restored his sight,for Daniel it
shut the mouths of Lions and the list goes on.
Man spend a
lifetime working so hard to get the monetary currency which will only last for
a season.Yet freely the CURRENCY of FAITH is given that can "buy" you
eternity.Pardon me for using the term buy in this context.The bible says in
Hebrews 11,that without Faith it is impossible to please God.You see prayer
pleases God,Fasting pleases God,tithing pleases God but FAITH moves God...Your
faith is the only thing that sparks God into action.As much as you might pray
and bind your enemy,it is your FAITH that can give you a change in an
instance.What has taken others 10years to do,by FAITH you can do in one.What
everyone has deemed to be impossible by FAITH you can do.
Faith basically is a sign of submission to God in
heaven.Putting a situation into his hands,letting go of it and letting God deal
with it.I can bank everything I have on this,you will never go wrong.Funny
thing about Faith is that the little ones are richer in this substance than
elders.Take a moment ask a child,let's say about 3 years old what he/she
intends to do in the future.Trust me they can go on and on for as long as you
care to listen.Yet if you ask an adult the same question, a minute might be too
much for them to explain.In ten seconds they'd have finished.
experiences,failures,insecurities and education or lack of it has come and
defined for them what is and is not possible.I personally define Faith as
"the lack of reasoning"...just not thinking and blindly throwing
everything into the hands of the creator.Faith is the moment you realise that
God is bigger than money,bigger than government and anything else you might
think of.Imagine what you could accomplish with the faith of a child.When you
believe you are the fastest,you are the strongest,you can not fail...when
physics,economics or biology cease to be a factor.
Frankly our God is not bound by any laws...I mean
laws of science say man can not float on water while standing upright,yet our
Saviour Lord Jesus Christ walked on it.I have heard silly arguments say that it
was cold the water was frozen,a preacher responded to this by saying ,"if
that was the case,the boat that was sailing on ice was the miracle then."I
dare you employ your faith today...
Thank you
for the time that you have taken to read this article, I trust you were able to
absorb something from it.To comment,as question or just contact me search of
facebook for "Street Preacher Music" and post on the wall you
will find other interesting things there or by email
out for our next article titled "Faith comes by
hearing"...May the good Lord shine on your path wherever you may go!!Amen
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