Saturday, 5 October 2013

October Prayer Points

October 2013 Prayer Points

It’s with awe and wonder that I write this today. The previous month has been tough for me and many who are part of this work in the Lord, but the devil is a liar. In our darkest moments the light of the son has continuously guided us. I give all glory to God for allowing us to walk in victory through his son. As we sought the Lord for his heart on prayer in this month of October, his answer was simple “women”. Thus this month will be sorely dedicated in prayer and supplication, as well as in our fasting for our women. I believe when God moves in the lives of women, the lives of men will ultimately be touched too. A mother’s heart moved (her sons and husband will be moved) , a sister’s heart moved (her brothers will be moved), a girl or woman’s heart moved (the men and boys around will undoubted be affected). Nations will be saved when a heart of an Esther is touched, a world will be saved when a heart of a Mary is touched, a Hannah, an Elizabeth, a Ruth, a Naomi. I believe God is about to raise a new breed of fine women in this month. God is about to revive and renew our women, some on the wrong paths who have lost their way will be brought back to His way. I’ll delay you no longer.

Dear Lord Jesus
We are obedient to your lead to pray for women this month, and we believe and know beyond doubt that you will indeed make a way for them. Father may your will be done in their lives. By faith I see a new breed of women rising, a see a new breed of mothers, daughters, and sisters taking their place in their homes, in their relationships, in their families and in their nations. I see your glory being evident through them in your name I declare these things as though they are…and indeed they shall become!!

00:00 to 01:00 Loved Ones
Women were created to be more emotional, than man. Therefore their loved ones’ welfare is paramount.
·         Father I pray for the safety of those that these women care for Rom8:31
·         May you give them long life, and good health Ezekiel 18:31
·         I rebuke any seed or spirit of betrayal that may arise. It will not bear fruit

01:00 to 02:00 Relationships (Marriages)
·         Lord I speak life into relationships and marriages, I declare you are paramount. You are the head in these relationships.
·         Father search these unions, if there be any unsavoury elements; purge them oh Lord
·         Lord every woman seeking to be in a relationship, I place into your hands Lord. That you’d only release her to the right man Eph4:2-3

02:00 to 03:00 Children
·         Father I bless all children right now, may they come to you Mat 19:14
·         I declare no man, no hindrance, nothing will stand in the way of children coming to you. You will raise your voice and call them to you Mat 19:14
·         Father teach them to be your flock and to hear and know your voice John 10:27

03:00 to 04:00 Fruit of the womb Psa127:4-5
·         I declare fruitfulness in any union
·         All bareness will cease this instant in the name of Jesus
·          The Lord will bless you with children
04:00 to 05:00 Dreams and Goals
·         Lord I pray that you will raise a desire in all women to better themselves
·         Father I pray that they’d dream massive dreams
·         Lord I declare you’ll show yourself mighty through their dreams and goals

05:00 to 06:00 Business Pro 31:13-14
·         I declare a boldness and a daringness to start businesses in more women
·         I declare the right people will surround them
·         I declare there will be provision for every vision

06:00 to 07:00 Safety Pro 18:10
·         I declare the Lord’s protection for all women in vulnerable situations
·         May the Lord guard you
·         You will stand, when all others fall

07:00 to 08:00 Wisdom to follow and to lead
·         Father give our women wisdom and humility to be led
·         Raise in them leaders, to be able to lead and know when to
·         Empower them to raise children in you
08:00 to 09:00 Identity (Lost be found)
·         Lord may your spirit draw the lost to you
·         May we be light bright enough to show them the way to you
·         May our women find true identity in you, and not be defined by the world

09:00 to 10:00 Strength to carry on
·         Lord give us strength to carry on
·         Give us the grace to lay the burdens on you when we are heavy laden
·         Grace our women to wait on you and be renewed, I declare they will soar like eagles
10:00 to 11:00 Boldness
·         Father make our women as bold as lions, to stand for what they believe in
·         Give them boldness to stand their ground in you
·         May they never be abused or taken advantage of
11:00 to 12:00 Selflessness
·         Lord I rebuke every spirit of vanity or selfishness in women
·         Lord raise Esthers in this generation, who are willing to put themselves at risk for others Esther 5:1-2
·         May they never be comfortable in being in a better place than others, rather in bettering others Esther 4:13-14
12:00 to 13:00 Oppressed and Suppressed Psa 16:11
·         Lord I speak liberty in every form of oppression facing women
·         Lord may you create a way of escape
·         No tear will fall out of their eyes unnoticed by you

13:00 to 14:00 Doors of Opportunity
·         Lord I ask that you would open more door of opportunity for women, in a world dominated by men
·         Lord position our women in the place of blessing
·         Prepare and equip them to take up opportunities when they come

14:00 to 15:00 Discrimination
·         Lord may you build love among women, that they may not look down upon each other
·         Lord teach them to lift one another up, and not trample
·         I declare that they will persevere even in the midst of discrimination, women will thrive
15:00 to 16:00 Jobs
·         I declare job opportunities that were once closed, will open before them
·         Lord I declare they will rise in rank. I speak promotion in the work place
·         May they work in a way that bring you glory

16:00 to 17:00 Life into their finances
·         I speak a quickening into their finances, in the name of Jesus
·         Lord may they be opportunities to give what they have Lord. In return they’ll receive overflow
·         I rebuke every negative word that may have come from their own mouth or that of others. They are blessed, rich, and not poor
17:00 to 18:00 Women ailments
·         Lord show yourself strong against any disease and sickness that women face
·         I declare multiple healing against breast cancer, in Jesus’ name
·         Lord I declare your women will be distinct from those of the world. They will stand were others fall
18:00 to 19:00 Bitterness (Heal)
·         I rebuke every seed of bitterness that was sown through hurt or pain and whatever else. I uproot any bitterness in Jesus’ name
·         Lord may they taste and see your goodness, your sweetness
·         I declare they will see your goodness in the land of the living

19:00 to 20:00 Comfort in hurt
·         Lord I pray that you would comfort them when they hurt
·         That you would give them hope when they feel they are at the end
·         I rebuke every thought of self-harm and suicide. I speak life

20:00 to 21:00 Joy (Bountiful)
·         I declare they are filled with joy
·         Tears will dry, but their joy will surely come in the morning
·         They will pleasure in doing your will

21:00 to 22:00 Peace
·         Father I usher all women into your very peace, that peace that surpasses all understanding
·         Lord I thank you for walking with them through all the storms of life

22:00 to 23:00 Unsaved (I pray you call them)
Father we pray for all those who do not know you. That you may soften their hearts
Lord reveal yourself to the spiritually blind
I declare multitudes of mighty women will come to you in the name of Jesus. Amen

23:00 to 00:00 Seed to sow
·         Father I thank you that you are faithful to give seed to the sower
·         May you teach our women to recognise seed and when to sow
·         I declare that they will reap bountifully for all seed that they sow

Thank you for taking your time to be part of this Movement. I assure you that God is doing mighty things and has even more amazing things planned for us. Let me take this moment to invite you to our facebook page “The Prayer Relay Movement” We are now also on InstaPray @PrayerRelay. Let us stay connected and support each other on this journey of life. In the next couple of month we will be launching our expansion plan. If you’d like to be a part of this, please don’t hesitate to be in touch. Contact Don on

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