Saturday, 10 November 2012

Are Social Networks Evil?

I have read and heard so many people talk about the negativity that is embedded within the very foundations of social media. Facebook and Tweeter have been constantly on the receiving end and have been branded by some religious factions as "evil". The main barrier we pose ourselves as humans is blindly following a leader without ever taking time to consider the validity of what they teach, more so without weighing it against the bible.
I do not care who said, that facebook or twitter is evil...the only opinion that ultimately matters is that of the heavens. What opinions can we draw from the bible about social media? Well I'll take you through it. By definition social media is a platform for communication and sharing media. The key word there being a "platform". Let me take you to the story of Nicodemus (John 3:1), Nicodemus was a leader in the religious circles. He had a "platform" to voice his thoughts and understanding before the high priests and other leaders. We are not aware of how he used this platform in the past. All we know is after meeting Christ he is later seen to use this same platform to defend the Lord when his colleagues.
Thought pattern number 2 is, if social media is a platform for communication we could also say that it is an extension of our tongues which are also platforms for communication of what our heart hold. The bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks(Matt 12:34). The mouth is therefore that platform that is used to express what the heart hold. The bible also says that the tongue holds the power to life and death(Pro 18:21). So from this we understand that a platform has the power to kill or to give life. The bible also says "I set before you life and death, choose life."(Deu 30:19) Therefore what is set before us is always an option of life or death, but God goes on to say that we must "choose life". This does not take away the option of death. As with any situation where there are options, some will choose one and others the other, yet the fact remains that there was an option.
What we seem to forget is that facebook and twitter may be the most successful and most efficient but there are not the first forms of socia media networking. Social media is primitive, letters, radio stations, newspapers, tabloids, magazines and many others are all forms of social media which date back to times before the internet. If we say that facebook is evil, why then have we not said that letters are evil? As a matter of fact letters have been used to directly kill more people for generations than facebook and twitter have. We have all heard about parcel bombs...letter poisoning and so forth.
That being said, many are exposed to harmful things such as pornographic material and hate speech, to only name but a few. These have undoubted fatal effects to the indivuals. On the contary we could also see that millions have also and are also being reached, encouraged and lifted by the gospel of a ressurrected Christ through this same platform.
I'll give a few physical examples. Think of a knife. Sharp as it can be used to kill. Yes? It can be used to give life. Yes? Murders use a knife to stab and kill their victims, yet surgeons will use this same knife to restore life. Shall we then say the knife is evil because it has been used to kill? I think not...why then is it the murderer that is incacerated if it is the knife that is evil? The murderer has a choice, to kill or to give life and in this case he chooses to kill.
I wish we would stop making excuses as believers, blaming social media for our failures as parents. Yes social media will have a significant effect, but the bible teaches us to train a child in the way that he should go and he will not depart from it. Have you trained your child how sacred the act of sex is? Have you trained your child to respect women? There is the answer to why he is stuck on the social media feeding on pornography.
If you and I play our parts we would not make a scapegoat of social media network. Rather we would use it positively. We would appreciate how it has allowed us to reconnect with long lost friends and family.
Thanks for taking your time to read this. I trust you have been edified. Let me take this chance to invite you to partner us in prayer this month. Follow the link below or find us on facebook "The Prayer Relay Movement"

Monday, 5 November 2012

You were made for such a time

Many of us will never reach their destination. I've heard people say to others, "You have an advantage in life." Well the truth of the matter is in this race of life we are never running on level ground. Some as we often say are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, yet most of us have to dig ourself out of deep pits that we are born into. This is not an excuse however for not making it. In the story of Esther the word of God says she entered the land as a captive, well so did Joseph. For now we will stick to Esther. The good Lord is a Lord who calms the storms, therefore there is need for storms to exist in our lives for him to take action. If we look at the story of Esther she felt helpless when she was told of the plight of her people, which according to Modecai could become her own as well.

We are all in the same situation...many are feeling helpless at the state of their economy, helpless at the instability of the markets, and the terrible state that the job market is in. I'm here to let you know that you were placed where u are for a time as such as this. Joseph was thrown in the pit...the lowest place...but in God's plans he was placed in that place for a time as that which the merchants would come and buy him. He was put in Potiphar's house for a time as that which he would be tempted and finally accused. The Lord seeks to elevate you far beyond the reach of your accusers. There needs to be accusers though. Just as Judas was in the centre of God's plan for Jesus' glorious destination,..some of you accusers are there for a purpose. Their persecution will open doors that would not have otherwise been open.

What is your excuse for not reaching higher altitudes? Is it your race? it where u were born? it where u live? I'm here to tell you that you were made, born where u were born, raised were u were raised and now live where u live for a time such as this. Picture wen young Joseph was forcibly removed from his coat of many colours and thrust into a pit. He could have been with his father but he was taking food to his brothers for a time as that, that he would be thrown into a pit that would start his path to being governor in a foreign land. God knew that famine would strike his he sent Joseph forward...raised him to a position that would control the food. He was placed there for a time as that which the famine would come.

God positions you in a place, that very place where you are in right now for a specific purpose. Whether you are in the pit or the palace, it is the best place to be for such as time as this. Had Joseph's brothers not planned to kill him, Reuben would not have intervened and advocated that Joseph be cast in the pit instead, Had Joseph not been in that pit Judah would not have thought it better to sell him than to let him die, Had the Ishmelietes not passed by Judah and his brothers would have not had anyone to sell him to, Had he not been sold to these specific people he would not have reached Egypt, Had Joseph not been a slave he would not have worked in Potiphar's house, had he not worked in Potiphar's house Potiphar's wife would not have wrongly accused him.

Have you ever considered the fact that at the time that Joseph was working in Potiphar's house there were men that were put into prison, men that Joseph would not have ordinarily met. For Joseph to meet these men he needed to be in prison. That's where Potiphar comes in, your accusers or haters as they are known nowadays are there not as barriers but as catalysts to your destiny. The same way that Judas was a catalyst to Jesus' destiny. Had Joseph not met these men he would not have interpreted their dreams. Had he not interpreted their dreams his skills would not have reached the ears of Pharaoh. Proverbs 18:16 says that "A man's gift will make room for him, and bring him before great men." Think of it, the great man need to hear about your gift before they summon you. Your time in prison, that time where you feel you are at your lowest may be the very time that God is enhancing your CV, and putting it into the right hands.

Had Joseph not gone before Pharaoh he would not have interpreted that dream, that dream that elevated him to governor. Wait a minute let's go right back to the beginning of Joseph's story, the bible says he had dreams that saw him ruling over his brothers, and he told them. I have had people say be careful who you share your dreams with, but think of this...had Joseph not told his brothers of this dream they would not have hated him more. Had they not hated him, he would not have ended up in the pit. God is a perfect planner ladies and never ever despise where you start, or where you are at this very moment because "YOU WERE MADE AND PLACED THERE FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS."

Scripture References:
Story of Esther_Book of Esther
Story of Joseph_Book of Genesis 30:24 to Genesis 50:26

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Prayer Points for November

Prayer Relay Movement-November 2012

It is God who began this good and awesome work and is faithful to see it to completion. I would like to take this opportunity to give all glory to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for his faithfulness from this time he steered us to start this Relay until this very day. As always he has been faithful to answer the prayers of his people. Unfortunately at times we do not avail ourselves for God to do his work through us. In this last month a lot of things have occurred, several deaths and what not. I was frustrated, and asked the Lord why he had not told me of any of this before it came to pass as he often does. The Lord said to me, "You have not heard because you have not listened, not because I have not spoken." Those very words playback in my mind constantly. I realise that the Lord is always speaking to his people, but not all that have ears will listen. I'm excited to say that as the Holy Spirit ked us to do we fasted on the 21st as we will be doing every month. God will move in your situation...

I encourage you brethren to take time to listen for the voice of the Lord when he speaks to you, as he is always speaking. Tithe your time to him, just 2 hours and 40 minutes of the 24 hours that you have in a day. Take that time to lay everything else down and give that time to him. To speak to him and for him to speak to you. I feel it in my spirit that the Lord is going to do greater things before this year ends. If there is anything that you have been praying for in this year, that has not come to pass...I challenge you to put the Lord to a test. He delights in blessing his people. Send us your prayer request and we will stand with you, and the Lord will deliver.

As I sought the Lord for guidance on our prayer points for this month I felt the same things that we prayed for need to be pushed further this month, thus you will notice little or no change to the prayer points themselves.

I would like to challenge you this month and in the months to come, to make it a point that you prayer through all the prayer points by the end of the month. May the Lord intervene in your sphere of situation.

I challenge you to ask at least one person everyday what they'd like you to pray for. Tell them about our "Prayer Relay Movement" and the facebook group. If you are not able to pray for them yourself post the prayer request on our facebook page and we will all stand together. Be part of this, do not let this opportunity to be part of the move of God pass you by.
That being said, Let me welcome you to yet another month of this "Prayer Relay" for September , “where we run our race and God moves on our behalf.”
00:00 to 01:00 FORGIVENESS

l  Let us come before the Lord and confess our own sins and the sins of this generation, so the Lord may forgive us and answer ou prayers. Dan 9:20
l  Pray that the Lord will give us the grace to forgive those who have sinned against us, as he forgives our sins. Luke 11:4, Mat 6:2
l   Pray that we may be clothed in the righteousness of Christ, in which there is no condemnation. Rom 8:1


l  Pray that we will answer God’s calling upon my life and inherit the promises that come with being called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
l  Pray that we live our lives in a way that is pleasing and acceptable to God. That He would direct our paths, so that we may live a life worthy of the calling we have received. Ephesians 4:1
l  Pray that more young people would open the doors of their hearts to Christ and know the peace that comes with the Holy Spirit living within. Revelations 3:20 ; Philippians 4:7

l  That God raises a prayerful youth after His own heart Acts 13:22
l  That this generation will see visions, prophecy unto God's glory Joel 2:28
l  That the world may see Jesus in our eyes Romans 8:19

l  We are praying for a physical manifestation of the Spirit of God, that it may not only be in words by physical. John 14:26-claim it
l  Pray that God’s kingdom would manifest to his people and to the world Luke 9, 1 Cor 4:20
l  Pray for move and manifestation of the fruits of the spirit Gal 5:22-23

04:00 to 05:00 THE HOMELESS

l  Pray for the homeless, that God be their hope and shelter Mat 25:35
l  That God raises hearts all over the world that are burdened by these things and step up to make a difference Mat 25:35
l  That God would cover them, shield them from extreme weather and other ills of this world Mat 25:35-40
05:00 to 06:00 THE BODY OF CHRIST

l  Pray that we may have faith that pleases God Heb 11:6
l  That we may hunger and thirst for the Lord Mat 5:6
l  That the Lord may move among us Ps 46:5


l  For this day, that it be filled with gladness, peace and joy Acts 10:36
l  That the Lord will reign over all situation in this day Luke 1:33
l  Doors of hope and opportunity will be presented Gal 5:13

l  Pray for faith in God's ability to provide for us in His capacity as Jehovah Jireh. John 14:14
l  Pray for faith in the power of the Word of God that enables us to do His work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
l  For strength to forget what lies behind and press on towards the goal that Christ has set for us. Philippians 3:13-14 ; Psalm 103:12

l  Pray that God opens our eyes and minds that we may perceive the new thing that He is doing in our nations. May God bring restoration to countries in despair. Isaiah 43:18-19
l  Pray that we may stand in the gap for our countries and that God would forgive our sin and heal our land. Pray that God would strengthen us and make us faithful in prayer, that we may be an instrument of change. 2 Chronicles 7:14 ; 1 Corinthians 1:27
l  Declare that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I declare that I will see positive change in my country through the hand of my Lord while I am still alive. Psalm 27:13
l  Pray that God, who holds the hearts of Rulers in His hand, would soften the hearts of leaders throughout the world, that they make seek what is best for their citizens and stop the shedding of innocent blood. Exodus 7:3-4 ; Deuteronomy 26:7


l  Pray for the spirit of conviction for ourselves as believers to see souls saved
l  Pray for compassionate hearts, that we may be restless until the lost are saved 1 Cor 12:25-26
l  That the Lord would help us understand that we in our own capacity are no better than one another  Heb 5:2-5

10:00 to 11:00 OUR PASTORS

l  We are praying for pastors across all denomination. That God will protected them from all onslaughts of the enemy and lead them as they lead his people Isa 54:17
l  That they do not grow weary in doing the work of God_Gal 6:9
l  That the blessings of the Lord will come upon them and overtake them_Deut 28:2
11:00 to 12:00 THE CHURCH
l  Praying for humility within the church of God_1Pet 5:6
l  Praying that God would forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness_1Jn 1:9
l  That the word of God would richly dwell in his people_ Col 3:16


l  Pray for the institution of family to be resurrected in this fast paced world
l  That it be broader than our relatives, that we recognise our relations through the blood of Christ that we were redeemed by
l  That we may love one another in the body of Christ Eph 4:32, John 13:34-35

13:00 to 14:00 THE CHILDREN

l  Pray for children, that would draw them close to him Mat 19:14
l  That they may be shielded from the ills of this world Mat 19:14
l  That they may not be drawn away from the Lord by the attractions of this world Mat 19:14, Eph 6:1-4

14:00 to 15:00 FATHERS
l  Fathers, that they may not merely father the children but be a father to the children Psa 68:4,5
l  That God would guide them in their role as fathers and husbands
l  That they would love their children and wives like Christ loved the church, so much such that he gave his life for it Eph 5:3

l  Speak a cover over all Christian businesses, that the blood of the lamb would be at their doors all through this recession
l  That they will reap huge harvest even in tough times Gen 26:12
l  Pray for those business idea and dreams that are still in the pit. Gen 37:24

l  Pray for growth and better Christ centred media
l  Pray for the medium of Christian Rap to reach the Youth Psalm 139.
Pray for radical faith, stubborn faith to be birthed in us Acts 9:1-25


l  For true worship to rise in all parts of the world John4: 24
l  That there will be a divine hunger to worship God Psalm 42:1-2
l  That His Presence forever abides in our worship Psalm 15:1

18:00 to 19:00 THE MIDDLE EAST
l  Peace in the Middle East Number 6:24
l  That there may be healing in the hearts of victims, and that they leave vengeance to the Lord Exo 14:14
l  That the word of God would reach them and heal them Exo 23:25

l  Our battle is not against other people, it is not physical, and cannot be won through physical violence. I pray for strength in prayer, praise and faithfulness in reading the word, which are the weapons of our warfare. I pray that there would be peace, particularly in religious wars. Ephesians 6:12
l  I pray for the Spirit of Discernment from the Holy Spirit to help us and our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to know how best we can defend our faith without causing the loss of life. Philippians 1:9-10 ; Acts 1:8

20:00 TO 21:00 NATION OF SYRIA

l  For the nation of Syria, that God would raise it from the dust 1Sam 2:8
l  That God would bring peace and healing to their land Jer 33:6
l  Pray for God to raise great leaders and bring unity 1p3:8


l  We bind every addition and infirmity Is 53:5
l  Pray for grace for those struggling with addiction 2 Cor12:9
l  Pray that God would place the right people to assist addicts

22:00 TO 23:00 OUR BODIES

l  That God cleanses and purifies us Psalm 51:10
l  For God to take us away from the things that defy his temple 1Cor 6:19
l  That our bodies would glorify God Rom 12:1-2

23:00 to 00:00 HEALING HOUR
l  Pray for the sick in spirit Pr 18:14
l  Pray for the sick in body, declare healing Isa 53:5
l  Declare renewal of minds Rom 12:2

Thank you for taking your time to be a part of this movement. I assure you God is already doing big things and has even more amazing things planned for us. Let me take this moment to invite you to our facebook page “The Prayer Relay Movement”. Let us stay connected through that page, share our testimonies and prayer requests. We have more plans to grow this movement, so if you would like to get involved please contact us on If you would like to be involved in preparing the prayer points or simply widening our net, please feel free to contact us. The more the merrier...Thank you once again.

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