Monday, 16 July 2012

Praying Often

Praying Often  

Today's scriptures

Luke 5:16

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

Have you withdrawn to a lonely place to pray lately? A place where it is just you and God? Our verse tells us that Jesus withdrew often to this quiet place. When I think of the word withdrew, I get an understanding that Jesus was connected with people all the time, therefore, it was noticeable by his disciples when he withdrew. If praying often and being alone to pray was that important to Jesus, then it should be as important to us. If you haven't withdrawn and prayed in a while, gotten alone with God, make a commitment today to do so!  Consider staying in that lonely, quiet, place and praying for awhile. Could you pray for one solid hour?

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Willow Smith : Next Illuminatti Star?

Was browsing the web when I ran into this disturbing article. Sad as it may be, the music industry is infested with Illuminatti. Giving artist wealth and fame for their souls...careful what your children are listening to. Read and feel free to comment.

Willow Smith: Next Illuminati Star?

Willow Smith, heir of the Hollywood royalty couple formed by Will Smith and Jada Pinkett, is definitely being groomed for superstardom. The 9 year old has been signed to Jay-Z’s label Roc Nation and there are already signs of her becoming a mini-Rihanna – a young singer trained and dressed to propagate the Illuminati agenda.
Will Smith has come a long way since the days of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. He is now one of the most powerful people in Hollywood with important connections in the movie and record industry – not to mention his ties with Scientology – and he is determined to see his children carry on the legacy.
Willow smith in leopard
Animal prints, code for beta programming mind control…or for a very bad stylist
You know what this stands for. What is even more disturbing is the fact that her eye seems to be covered by someone else’s hand
Skull and bones, culture of death and all of that stuff

Will Willow Smith become the next Illuminati pop star? Is she one of those mind controlled child stars born into elitist families? Only time will tell.
Done deal

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

July Prayer Points

Prayer Relay Movement-JULY 2012
Never take lightly this truth, "Many are the afflictions of those that get close." Another version translates this as, Psa_34:19  Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. See the more you believe, the closer you get to God the more onslaught you are open to. When you hang around God he pours out into you, and drives you closer to your purpose and destiny. This drives the enemy mad, and he will do all he can to derail you, to make you quit, to make you forfeit your dreams and ambition and most of all your purpose and  mission. However the saving grace is at the end of this scripture ,"But the Lord delivers him out of them all." Look it doesn't say some or many, it says ALL. God exalts his word higher that even his name, That is why we pray HIS word. It never returns to him void. The last month for me personal has been full of spiritual afflictions, yet I am here to testify that he has INDEED delivered me.

Believe for greater things this month, I challenge you to that. Press harder than ever, be faithful and consistent in your prayer times. Recruit more people into the relay. Together we can get the world praying. Not much has changed with these prayer points from the last month, I feel the heart of God is still broken by these things, therefore we need to keep pressing in. Scriptures have changed in some cases. I am believing for God to intervene in Syria this month.

With that I encourage you to be more prayerful starting this month. Invite others to pray with you at time. That being said, brethren welcome to the Prayer Relay Movement for May, “where we run our race and God moves on our behalf.”

 Remember do not worry about what time zone you are in…We are all in God’s time zone. God himself does not live in time. Invite someone to pray with you as we believe for more and more believers in this movement. Feel free to join or add others to our facebook page ‘The Prayer Relay Movement’. Each prayer point covers 20minutes, such that there are 3 prayer points for each hour. Pick a time or times that you can commit to for prayer every day, when you have done so kindly email your name, city, country and the times you will pray to or simply put it in the comment section on
·         He is faithful and keeps covenant Deu 7:9
·         Pray that he may raise faithful ministers in a faithless generation 1Sam2:35
·         That he would grace us to understand his faithfulness

l  Declare that the Lord is our refuge, declare Ps 91
l  Declare that his NAME is our strong tower Pr 18:10
l  Declare that all storm in our lives will be still Mark 4:39
·         Pray that the Lord would magnify our spiritual eyes to see what true worship is
·         That the Lord would raise and quench our hunger for his presence
·         That he may give us grace to worship not only in spirit but in truth

03:00 to 04:00 THIS GENERATION

·         That God would give this generation vision and direction Acts 2:17
·         That for every vision there be provision Hab 2:2-3
·         That God will see all visions through Phil 1:6


·         We are praying for a physical manifestation of the Spirit of God, that it may not only be in words by physical. John 14:26-claim it
·         Pray that God’s kingdom would manifest to his people and to the world Luke 9, 1 Cor 4:20
·         Pray for move and manifestation of the fruits of the spirit Gal 5:22-23


·         Let us bind the spirits of sexual immorality
·         Cover the teenagers in the church that they may be distinct from the world
·         Pray for the sanctification of the gift of sex, that it be as God intended it


·         For this day, that it be filled with gladness, peace and joy Acts 10:36
·         That the Lord will reign over all situation in this day Luke 1:33
·         Doors of hope and opportunity will be presented Gal 5:13

07:00 to 08:00 NATION OF SYRIA

·         For the nation of Syria, that God would raise it from the dust 1Sam 2:8
·         That God would bring peace and healing to their land Jer 33:6
·         Pray for God to raise great leaders and bring unity 1p3:8

08:00 to 09:00 THE YOUTH

·         The youth…That they may be distant from sexual immorality Thes 4:3
·         That God would reveal himself to them Psa 19:1-4
·         That they may heed his call Mic 6:9

09:00 to 10:00 THE CHILDREN

·         Pray for children, that would draw them close to him Mat 19:14
·         That they may be shielded from the ills of this world Mat 19:14
·         That they may not be drawn away from the Lord by the attractions of this world Mat 19:14, Eph 6:1-4

10:00 to 11:00 SEED OF LOVE

·         Pray that the Lord would sow a seed of love in our hearts 1Co 13:13
·         That we might develop a genuine care for one another, perfect love 1Co 13:10
·         That the Lord may teach us to love way that he does Joh 3:16

·         We bind every addition and infirmity Is 53:5
·         Pray for grace for those struggling with addiction 2 Cor12:9
·         Pray that God would place the right people to assist addicts

12:00 to 1300 THE BODY OF CHRIST

·         Pray that we may have faith that pleases God Heb 11:6
·         That we may hunger and thirst for the Lord Mat 5:6
·         That the Lord may move among us Ps 46:5


·         Pray for the institution of family to be resurrected in this fast paced world
·         That it be broader than our relatives, that we recognise our relations through the blood of Christ that we were redeemed by
·         That we may love one another in the body of Christ Eph 4:32, John 13:34-35

14:00 to 15:00 OUR PASTORS

·         We are praying for pastors across all denomination. That God will protected them from all onslaughts of the enemy and lead them as they lead his people Isa 54:17
·         That they do not grow weary in doing the work of God_Gal 6:9
·         That the blessings of the Lord will come upon them and overtake them_Deut 28:2

15:00 to 16:00 ALL LEADERS

·         Pray for leaders across the world, that no leaders will stand unless established by God 1 Tim 2:1-2, Rom 13:1
·         Pray for the health and spiritual wellbeing of our leaders 1Tim 2:1-2
·         Declare that they are wise, and are led by the Lord 1Tim 2:1-2

16:00 to 17:00 DESTINIES

l  That the plans the the Lord has for his people would come to pass Jer 29:11
l  That we be able to position ourselves for the un-imaginable move of God 1Cor 2:7-9
l  That his word over our lives would manifest and take shape, it never returns to him void Isa 55:11
17:00 to 18:00 FATHERS
·         Fathers, that they may not merely father the children but be a father to the children Psa 68:4,5
·         That God would guide them in their role as fathers and husbands
·         That they would love their children and wives like Christ loved the church, so much such that he gave his life for it Eph 5:3
18:00 TO 19:00 THE MIDDLE EAST
·         Peace in the Middle East Number 6:24
·         That there may be healing in the hearts of victims, and that they leave vengeance to the Lord Exo 14:14
·         That the word of God would reach them and heal them Exo 23:25
19:00 TO 20:00 THE CHURCH
·         Praying for humility within the church of God_1Pet 5:6
·         Praying that God would forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness_1Jn 1:9
·         That the word of God would richly dwell in his people_ Col 3:16
·         Pray for growth and better Christ centred media
·         Pray for the medium of Christian Rap to reach the Youth Psalm 139.
·         Pray for radical faith, stubborn faith to be birthed in us Acts 9:1-25
·         Speak a cover over all Christian businesses, that the blood of the lamb would be at their doors all through this recession
·         That they will reap huge harvest even in tough times Gen 26:12
·         Pray for those business idea and dreams that are still in the pit. Gen 37:24
22:00 to 23:00 OUR WOMEN
·         Pray for all women that God would grace and bless them
·         That God would give women wisdom and self-worth
·         That God would raise the Deborahs and Esthers of this generation
23:00 to 00:00 HEALING HOUR
·         HEALING HOUR, pray for the sick in spirit Pr 18:14
·         Pray for the sick in body, declare healing Isa 53:5
·         Declare renewal of minds Rom 12:2
Thank you for taking your time to be a part of this movement. I assure you God is already doing big things and has even more amazing things planned for us. Let me take this moment to invite you to our facebook page “The Prayer Relay Movement”. Let us stay connected through that page, share our testimonies and prayer requests. We have more plans to grow this movement, so if you would like to get involved please contact us on We need developers and testers, those who want to see seed into the development of our app and website to widen our net and reach more people, images and logo designers and those who will cover us in prayer. Thank you once again

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