We have been taught so often about how much of a fool the devil is. That is all true, but we are never taught or rather reminded that he is not a complete idiot. After all he was created by God himself. The message you are about to read came to me as a word in season for myself. It came as salt in my wounds...my self inflicted wounds. Indeed the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword, this word cut me deep. It cut me right where it hurts. The major error that we make as believers is that we are too focused on what is seen on the surface that we end up missing what God seeks to do inside of us. It is like one that has a tumor inside. See on the surface everything is well, yet inside there is a war. There is such devastation within that if left too long this tumor can destroy everything. Yet on the outside everything looks rosy. For the surgeon, to get to the tumor there is some flesh that needs to be cut. The problem is not the flesh itself, but what lies beneath it. God wants to deal with the inside, not what is on show. He is after the heart. May the sword that is his word begin to work on your flesh right now in the name of Jesus.
Before Goliath:
The bible speaks of a small boy much like some of us. It says this boy was herding sheep....he had a domain that he was faithful to. He was so faithful to it that he often risked his life to protect it. Brothers and sisters in Christ, if you've ever wondered why God hasn't promoted you. Why God hasn't elevated you, look at your domain. God looks at how well you do with what you have before He puts you in charge of greater things. This is the same principle that Jesus taught in the parable of the talents. The one who made the most of what he was given was elevated the most. God saw the love that David had, the skill that he had to lead sheep...and elevated him to lead a great nation. Before you get to where God has set for you, there will be obstacles. What you must understand is that some obstacles will not present themselves to you, you have got to present yourself to such obstacles. You are rewarded accoring to the magnitude of the problem that you solve. You need to identify the problem yourself. You see opportunity does not always shout when she walks by your house, you need to always have your eye outside the window in order to spot her and pursue her. Which is what happened with David in this case. He was not in the army, he was not even big enough to fit in the armour. Brethren when great opportunity comes there are always a million reasons why it is not yours...maybe your age, background, race or time. Whatever it is something will come against you. He wont send Goliath again... It is up to you to stand up and refuse to be refused.
The key is to view things differently. That's what separated David from the trained soldier. Sometimes your lack of qualification is your qualification. Had David undergone the required training he would have been aware of what a man the size of Goliath could do. Yet David had gone into battle fearless, because his training had been different. Instead of knowing what Goliath could do he knew what a sling and a stone could do. He knew what a mighty God could do.
When you have conquered your problem you are bound to be elevated. It may not be instant, but it will happen. Congratulations. If you have not gotten anything from this message so far, let it be this next part that you get. The devil will not send Goliath again!!! You see, you can not face the same problem twice. You must refuse that. If you face the same problem more than once, it means you did not fully conquer it the first time. This is the significance of David cutting off Goliath's head after defeating him. The devil, as cunning as he is...he has no power to resurrect. He may duplicate but he can not resurrect. Do not look away from your challenge, do not go into celebration before you cut the head off. The problem is only overcome when it is headless.
Im speaking to someone out there who is struggling with addiction. Im talking to someone who feels powerless against this addiction, because it keeps resurfacing over and over again. I declare right now that you wield the sword of the spirit. I declare that head of addiction chopped off as you swing you hand in a chopping motion. That addiction will not resurface. That addiction will leave you this instance in the name of Jesus. That nudge you feel, to go back to it...I declare that the strength of the Lord that walked with David as he faced lions and bears, that same strength that stood with him against Goliath will stand with you. I usher you into victory in the mighty name of Jesus. Addiction you have no control over her...you have no control over him in the name of Jesus.
Father God all glory and honour be unto you. We thank you for this word in season, we thank you for all addictions that you have cut. All captives that you have set free by this your direction. Be glorified father.
Scripture: 1Sam 17:1-58
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support this year. Merry Christmas!!!!
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Thursday, 6 December 2012
December Prayer Points
Prayer Relay Movement-December
Prayer Relay Movement-December
we draw the curtain on this year, I'd like to take this moment to personally
thank the Lord for affording me this wonderful opportunity to serve him and to
serve his people through this platform of ministry. I would also like to extend
my most sincere gratitude to those who have taken their time to spread the load
of this ministry and make it more effective, special mention goes to my lovely
sisters in the Lord, Chiedza and Patricia. May this seed of faith, this seed of
love, this seed of service that you have sown grow beyond what is humanly comprehendible. May it become a seed that bears a
harvest so vast that it will live on after you. May heavens forever remember
you by this.
any further ado, let me welcome you to the prayer relay movement for December
l Let us take this time to jus give thank to the Lord for our families, for
carrying us through this yea, for every breath taken...even this moment Psa
l No matter what you have gone through, maybe this was a very bad year for
you...maybe you feel like Joseph in that pit. Just take time to thank God for
even that situation 1Thess 5:18
l Let us take this moment to worship him, tell HIM He's a good God. Tell
him what a wonder he is. Just speak from your heart
01:00 to 02:00
Let us thank God for every good work that he has begun
in this year. Be it in our own lives or in the lives of others...and in the
world at large
Let us express our confidence in the Lord. That we are
confident that He who began all those good works is faithful to see them to
completion Phil1:6
Let us open our hearts to the Lord, tell him that good
work that he began that you wish to see completed before this year ends. He is
faithful Phil 1:6
Press this own, I know this is an issue that break the
heart of God.
l That God
raises a prayerful youth after His own heart Acts 13:22
l That this
generation will see visions, prophecy unto God's glory Joel 2:28
That the world may see Jesus in our eyes Romans
to 04:00 PRAISE
l Pray that when it is most difficult,
when everything seems to be going so wrong, my praises to God will be even more
earnest and real. That we may value God more than my life itself and that we will praise Him for the rest of our days. Psalm 63:3-4
l Pray that as we enter God’s courts, we may do so with praise that is a sweet
smelling sacrifice to Him. Pray that we will shame the devil with our praise and that we will enter God’s gates with thanksgiving
for what He has blessed me with, not resentment for what we do not have. Psalm 100:4
l Thank God that He has redeemed us. Thank Him because He is with you through every trial “When you pass
through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be
burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” – Isaiah 43:1b-2
04:00 to 05:00 THE HOMELESS
Again one of the recurring ones, something that is
close to God's heart. In this month of sacrifice let us remember the less
fortunate. Not only through prayer but in sharing what we have.
l Pray for the homeless, that God be
their hope and shelter Mat 25:35
l That God raises hearts all over the
world that are burdened by these things and step up to make a difference Mat 25:35
l That God would cover them, shield them
from extreme weather and other ills of this world Mat 25:35-40
05:00 to 06:00
l Pray that we may have faith that
pleases God Heb 11:6
l That we may hunger and thirst for the
Lord Mat 5:6
l That the Lord may move among us Ps
I declare and decree that every war that you face in
this day is already won. Be it what you see or in the spiritual realm. I
declare and decree that your enemies will flee from you. I order you into
victory in the name of Jesus!!
l For this day, that it be filled with
gladness, peace and joy Acts 10:36
l That the Lord will reign over all
situation in this day Luke 1:33
l Doors of hope and opportunity will be
presented Gal 5:13
007:00 to 08:00
l Praying for humility within the church
of God_1Pet 5:6
l Praying that God would forgive us of
our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness_1Jn 1:9
l That the word of God would richly dwell
in his people_ Col 3:1
08:00 to 09:00
l I pray for the acceptance of all that
Christ offers us His yoke which is light in exchange for our burdens. I pray
that more people may come to accept the rest that is found in Christ Jesus. Matthew 11:28-30
l I pray for acceptance that when Christ
died on the cross, everything was finished- he paid the ultimate price. John 19:30
l I pray that more people who are lost
without guidance may come to accept and know the love of our Saviour. That all
those who are rejected, heart-broken and lonely may come to have all their
shame and guilt taken away in the life-giving flow of His blood. John
l I pray claim the promises of beauty for
ashes, a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness and the oil of
gladness instead of mourning as promised in Isaiah 61:3
l Pray for the spirit of conviction for
ourselves as believers to see souls saved
l Pray for compassionate hearts, that we may be
restless until the lost are saved 1 Cor 12:25-26
l That the Lord would help us understand that we
in our own capacity are no better than one another Heb 5:2-5
l Thank the Lord for the gift of His son.
That as I remember what He gave up for me, I may also give to those who I may
deem unworthy. Matthew 25:40
l That I may find time to contribute
towards the needs of others, especially those in our communities. Romans 12:8;
l For the Lord to
be the ever present help, to use us in this season to reach out to others
This is an important season for family. May God's
grace bring us together...
l Pray for the institution of family to
be resurrected in this fast paced world
l That it be broader than our relatives,
that we recognise our relations through the blood of Christ that we were
redeemed by
l That we may love one another in the
body of Christ Eph 4:32, John 13:34-35
12:00 to 13:00 THE CHILDREN
l Pray for children, that would draw them
close to him Mat 19:14
l That they may be shielded from the ills
of this world Mat 19:14
l That they may not be drawn away from
the Lord by the attractions of this world
Mat 19:14, Eph 6:1-4
13:00 to 14:00 FATHERS
l Fathers, that they may not merely
father the children but be a father to the children Psa 68:4,5
l That God would guide them in their role
as fathers and husbands
l That they would love their children and
wives like Christ loved the church, so much such that he gave his life for it Eph 5:3
14:00 to 15:00 WORSHIP TO RISE
l For true
worship to rise in all parts of the world John4: 24
l That there
will be a divine hunger to worship God Psalm 42:1-2
l That His
Presence forever abides in our worship Psalm 15:1
15:00 TO 16:00 NATION OF SYRIA
For we war not against flesh
and blood, but principalities...if we win this battle in prayer...peace will
come to Syria. Press on
l For the nation of Syria, that God would
raise it from the dust 1Sam 2:8
l That God would bring peace and healing
to their land Jer 33:6
l Pray for God to raise great leaders and
bring unity 1p3:8
16:00 TO 17:00 OUR BODIES
That God cleanses and purifies us Psalm 51:10
For God to take us away from the things that defy his temple 1Cor
l That our
bodies would glorify God Rom 12:1-2
l We bind every addition and infirmity Is 53:5
l Pray for grace for those struggling
with addiction 2 Cor12:9
l Pray that God would place the right
people to assist addicts
l Speak a cover over all Christian
businesses, that the blood of the lamb would be at their doors all through this
l That they will reap huge harvest even
in tough times Gen 26:12
l Pray for those business idea and dreams
that are still in the pit. Gen 37:24
19:00 to 20:00 MEDIA
l Pray for growth and better Christ
centred media
Pray for the medium of Christian Rap to reach the Youth Psalm
Pray for radical faith, stubborn faith to be birthed in us Acts
20:00 to 21:00 OUR PASTORS
l We are praying for pastors across all
denomination. That God will protected them from all onslaughts of the enemy and
lead them as they lead his people Isa
l That they do not grow weary in doing
the work of God_Gal 6:9
l That the blessings of the Lord will
come upon them and overtake them_Deut
l Pray for faith in God's ability to
provide for us in His capacity as Jehovah Jireh. John 14:14
l Pray for faith in the power of the Word
of God that enables us to do His work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
l For strength to forget what lies behind
and press on towards the goal that Christ has set for us. Philippians 3:13-14 ; Psalm 103:12
l We are praying for a physical
manifestation of the Spirit of God, that it may not only be in words by
physical. John 14:26-claim it
Pray that God’s kingdom would manifest to his people and to
the world Luke 9, 1 Cor 4:20
Pray for move and manifestation of the fruits of the spirit Gal 5:22-23
l Pray for the sick in spirit Pr 18:14
l Pray for the sick in body, declare
healing Isa 53:5
l Declare renewal of minds Rom 12:2
Thank you for taking your time to be a
part of this movement. I assure you God is already doing big things and has
even more amazing things planned for us. Let me take this moment to invite you
to our facebook page “The Prayer Relay Movement”. Let us stay connected through
that page, share our testimonies and prayer requests. We have more plans to
grow this movement, so if you would like to get involved please contact us on mkwnyd@gmail.com. If you would
like to be involved in preparing the prayer points or simply widening our net,
please feel free to contact us. The more the merrier...Thank you once again.
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